Kolejna inspiracja graficzna – bardzo ciekawie rozwiązany problem identyfikacji wizualnej norweskiego półwyspu Nordkyn, dzieło grupy projektowej Neue (http://www.neue.no/).Jak sami piszą "we were given the task to unite and promote them as one tourist destination. In a place where nature rules, the result is a live logo that changes along with wind direction and temperature". Jest to więc dosłowne odzwierciedlenie natury tego miejsca. Oto materiały wraz z opisem idei:
The visual identity is based on two main ingredients; our newly developed payoff, “Where nature rules,” and weather statistics from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. A feed of weather statistics affects the logo to change when the direction of the wind or the temperature changes. On the website, the logo updates every five minutes. We developed a logo generator where Visit Nordkyn can download their logo to the exact weather conditions of that particular moment. Nordkyn is truly a place where nature rules, even over the visual identity.
Neue Project Description
Structure of the changing icon. Notice the “Calm” state at bottom left.
Colors cover a range of temperature from -25°C (-13°F) to 25°C (77°F).
Sample iterations of the logo
Logo w postaci ruchomej, flashowej animacji, można obejrzeć na stronie Nordkyn – http://www.visitnordkyn.com/