
Hannu Oksa: Sun Effects

Trafiłam ostatnio na nieźle, w moim odczuciu, zrealizowaną identyfikację. Założenia teoretyczne twórcy wydają mi się bardzo słuszne.

Identyfikacja powstała dla fińskiej firmy Sun Effects, zajmującej się oświetlaniem wystaw, występów, koncertów. Jak tłumaczy sam autor, Hannu Oksa:

The identity builds from the basic idea of how audiovisual design (and light and sound in general) has the ability to shape and control space and environment: they can create new perspectives or change the nature of a space completely. In other words, light, sound and space are permanent parts of an equation that has limitless outcomes based on how you use them.

Light and sound as elements and audiovisual design as a field of art are constantly changing and evolving. By giving the identity the possibility to experimentation and evolution in itself, it reflects the field of work in a powerful way.

The identity uses a quasi periodic eight fold grid as a basis. The grid is used much like a raster to form a set of building blocks. By using the blocks with a general set of rules the identity allows for the symbol to have endless variations and still retain a conjunctive form.